
Skyrim console set carry weight
Skyrim console set carry weight

skyrim console set carry weight

  • The "Unhindered" Light Armor Perk reduces the weight of worn Light Armor to zero.
  • Get the blessing from The Steed Stone – Adds + 100 to your carrying capacity and any armor worn no longer counts towards the total weight being carried.
  • Get the Extra Pockets perk in Pickpocketing – Adds + 100 to your carrying capacity.
  • Increase your Stamina statistic – Each level point in stamina adds + 5 to your carrying capacity.
  • Fast Travel is also impossible if the player character is overloaded, unless they happen to be riding a horse.

    skyrim console set carry weight

    Players will likely notice at that point that walking is very slow. It is possible to carry more items that the Carry Weight statistic, but then a message stating that your are overencumbered and cannot run will be posted. Increasing Stamina increases the maximum Carry Weight by five for each level point. All characters begin the game with a Carry Weight of 300, regardless of race or gender. Carry Weight, or carrying capacity, is the total weight of items that a player character can carry.

    Skyrim console set carry weight